Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

In3 Sector Focus

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

We finance what we know

Waste-to-Value, especially tire pyrolysis, biomass-to-biochar, waste-to-energy, ammonia to green hydrogen and other resource recovery.

Renewable energy (solar, wind, small hydro, next-generation biofuels, energy efficiency and storage).
herd of cattle in daytime
Sustainable and “climate smart” Food Systems, including Regenerative, Organic, minimal tillage, Supply Chain innovations.

Commercial Real Estate, mainly green buildings, affordable and low-carbon housing, regenerative design, innovative building materials, smart cities & communities.
For a complete list, click here.

Key themes: Sustainable infrastructure, nature-based carbon capture and sequestration, holistic health and well-being, nutritious food systems and food / water / energy security, housing security, solving waste and inefficiency (to reduce carbon and/or costs), climate change mitigation and reversal. See Investment Strategy.

Does your sector qualify?

We are largely agnostic about vertical markets that can give rise to excellent projects or entire portfolios worthy of support and funding. So long as the project does not cause social or environmental harm, we will listen and consider without prejudice or agenda, with an eye for where we can add value beyond the funding itself.

Sometimes it is easier to define our “Sweet Spot” by saying what we probably won’t support, for the same reasons stated above: Oil & Gas (renewable alternatives to fossil resources are now proven and available, more sustainable, with adequate economic upsides and lower long-term risks), Crypto currencies (mostly because of the energy consumption), Weapons, Tobacco, Gambling, conflict diamonds … to help set expectations, here’s a list of what In3 will not fund.

For project funding that involves In3 premium services, which would require that we roll up our sleeves and take on contractual duties to help secure guarantees for funding, bespoke services such as auditing and improving a project’s pro forma financial model, vetting due diligence materials to increase the odds of reaching financial close … we prefer to focus on what we know. That’s at least 30 diverse sectors.

Guarantee Facilitation In3 versus In3’s “Done For You” (DFY) Premium Services

We will help developers/owners facilitate their own guarantee, to a point. We make all the materials and know-how available online for free, and firmly believe in open access to the practical knowledge and sharing hard-won experience with using bank-involved financial instruments to gain access to advantageous project funding. We do not charge anything up front to determine if you have a feasible instrument to propose, and will find ways to solve most garden-variety obstacles that tend to arise when the developer/owner must use another party’s guarantee for their own project. See “sponsor tips” here.

It is an entirely different role for In3 to assist with originating a guarantee used as security on behalf of a client’s project, which is described here. We hold such “Done For You” (DFY) service clients to a much higher standard than if they bring their own guarantee because DFY puts our reputation on the line. The guarantor’s expectations are going to be tougher and far more stringent than our funding partner’s.

We only provide DFY services for experienced developers working in industry sectors that we know. This includes utility-scale solar, wind, storage, offshore wind, green building materials, small hydro, geothermal (once the finding risk is mitigated), waste-to-value (recovery of industrial materials such as rCB from rubber tires, or activated carbon from woody biomass), waste-to-energy, regenerative or “ecological” (sustainable) real estate, and related supply chain or new carbon capture and sequestration materials innovations.

Note:  All renewables are accepted, plus SMR nuclear, but we know the above sectors the best, and thus have the strongest network ties for guarantees.  more

Growing sectors:  Commercial real estate, green hydrogen and fuel cells, advanced tire pyrolysis, refuse-derived fuel (RDF), smart grids/meters, other sustainable infrastructure, tidal and wave power, regenerative agriculture, climate-smart / sustainable agriculture and food systems.

For rapid CAP funding pre-qualification, deliver our first 3 “essentials” to get started, which are: 

1) Project name, total budget and funding request in $ or €

2) Uses of funds – categories and amounts / percentages (sample format), and

3) Proposed completion assurance Guarantee type and wording. Download the relevant template(s). More on guarantees and how to arrangement them here

Our online system allows you to apply and discover for yourself if this funding is going to work for your project.  If not, consider In3’s alternatives for 100% mid-market Project Funding.

If no guarantee can be obtained, consider In3’s premium “Done For You” Services, start here.

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