Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

Educational Resources: Key Topics, Themes, Guides, Webinars & Coursework

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

LEARNING CENTER for Professional Development, Coaching and Skill-building Opportunities

Articles by In3’s themes (tagline):  Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Building bridges of understanding happens to be an important facet of In3’s work and mission. Much of what we do is dedicated to helping open access to funding and knowledge via innovative solutions to some of the finance industry’s most frustrating problems.  We publish guides that turn great complexity into practical solutions that would otherwise remain out of reach to all but those who don’t actually need to raise money.

We love to learn, and have seen skillful entrepreneurship, effective fundraising strategies and just common sense (paying attention) deliver on-target results since 1996.

In3 Presentations, Workshops/Webinars or Retreats

As former adjunct professor at a top-rated business school, managing partner Daniel Robin makes it a priority to offer presentations, programs and consulting services that are “just-in-time” — applied to the real-world conditions and challenges at hand.

Take a moment and notice whatever goals you have and, within that, whatever has caught your curiosity recently.  What if there was a streamlined way that you and your team could make a quantum leap forward?  What current patterns, issues or seeming roadblocks keep you from enjoying expanded success?

Sometimes the answer is to hire a professional to add to your team’s capabilities, but often the better answer is to take it in-house and learn on-the-job how to get results without overperforming.  Who said that hard work is the right answer?  Sure, persistence is necessary, but so is fresh thinking and gaining perspective that (by definition) we humans often lack.

Workshops & Retreats by In3 Capital GroupTop educational themes for 2024:

  1. Carbon Credits — how to arrange them, what businesses are most likely to benefit the most, and how to make sure you don’t over-rely on them as part of your sustainable value proposition.
  2. Guarantee Participation Opportunities — how both asset owners and sales agents stand to benefit, with above-average return-on-investments the norm, at reasonable risk.
  3. Impact Capital — who is investing, in what sectors, with what terms, and how to gain access?
  4. ESG & Performance Benchmarking — We can tailor this topic to your unique circumstances, including Impact Measurement & Management (IMM) and how this arena has finally become a must-have focus area for companies, financial institutions, and governments, large and small.
  5. Project Finance Essentials — inspire, innovate, invest model, also called Project Finance 101, best as a series of short sessions, spread out over 3-10 weeks.
  6. The so-called “impact”, “net zero waste,” or “circular” economy and why it is defining the future of investing.  How has investing for “sustainable infrastructure”, nature-based climate change mitigation and not just recycling but upcycling (recovery and regeneration) of materials, ecosystems, and communities become an imperative for achieving the UN SDGs and beyond?
  7. Mid-market Project Finance that solves 4 notorious problems with zero money down — In3’s MasterClass for Affiliates and development partners (preview article)
  8. Renewables Project Finance Happily Disrupted [ also available as a webinar ]
  9. The challenge of “Sustainability with Prosperity” and how that drives innovation — keys to making lasting breakthroughs without breaking a sweat (article)
  10. Project or Early-stage Venture Fundraising — master what not to do in order to multiple options for right action.  In other words, only trust your intuition to a point.
  11. Investment Strategy for Renewable Energy Projects (can be tailored to a specific industry or technical pathway)
  12. Applied Innovation — works best as weekend retreats, offsites, or workshop.  More
  13. Tools for Collaboration with diverse international teams … breaking down silos, proficiency gaps, or other barriers to success
  14. What is “Vetting” and how it works to increase your odds of success, saving time and money
  15. Opportunities in renewables, waste-to-value and/or clean energy markets
  16. [ Additional Course Topics (management skills, mostly) or Ask Us if you have a particular topic in mind not appearing here ]

Free Educational Guides & Templates

We firmly believe in open access to capital for all who can put in the necessary time and effort to conceive of a mid-market project or venture innovation and maintain sufficient objectivity (be careful not to “fall in love” with your idea) to prove it is feasible with reasonable and transparent assumptions.

This practice of dreaming up projects, planning them with sufficient rigor to know there is a solid business in the making takes quite a bit of drive, determination, and talent, not to mention teamwork.  Toward that end, In3 offers a full suite of Educational Guides to ease the pain of figuring things out from scratch.  Take advantage of our nearly three decades of experience and go as deep as you can before contacting us.  This, we firmly believe, makes for a productive arrangement that gets results and benefits communities, and stakeholders where the projects operate.   See list of available guides here.

See definitions if the meaning of terminology used here seems unclear.  Or All FAQs.

See also our Video Library or recent interviews and public presentations made by Mr. Robin.

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